September is National Preparedness Month, and according to, we are in for a long hurricane season. There is no better time to reevaluate your preparedness plans as we navigate what the future may bring.

Welcome to Development with Danielle©, my weekly “Women in Construction” blog

Hi, I’m Danielle Wright, President and CEO of Right Choice Construction. I’m pleased to share preparedness information as Texas residents and businesses face unprecedented weather events now and in the future.

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the National Safety Council, we should all be planning for emergencies and natural disasters that are slated to occur in our region. National Preparedness Month focuses on ways we can protect ourselves, our loved ones, our pets, and our properties when the worst happens.


Emergency Preparedness Tips from the National Safety Council

● Make sure at least one family member knows first aid and CPR
● Download the FEMA app for resources, weather alerts, and safety tips
● Have a family communication plan in place; all members of the family should review and practice the plan
● Have all family members and other important phone numbers written down or memorized
● Have an emergency kit in your car and at least three days of food and water at home
● Be sure to store all important documents – birth certificates, insurance policies, etc. – in a fire-proof safe or safety deposit box
● Know how to shut off utilities

Here’s what to keep in a home emergency supply kit:

● One gallon of water per person per day for at least three days
● Three days-worth of nonperishable protein-packed foods you can cook without electricity, such as tuna, peanut butter, and granola bars, and don’t forget about food for your pets
● Can opener
● Hand-crank or battery-powered radio with extra batteries
● Flashlight with extra batteries
● First aid kit with gauze, tape, bandages, antibiotic ointment, aspirin, a blanket, nonlatex gloves, scissors, hydrocortisone, thermometer, tweezers and instant cold compress
● Tool kit with basic tools, in case you need to shut off utilities
● Hand sanitizer and garbage bags for sanitation
● Plastic sheeting and duct tape in case of broken windows or a leaky roof
● Whistle to signal for help so rescuers can locate you

Connect With Us!

From one woman in the trades to another, I hope you enjoy all of my Development with Danielle© blog posts here. Also, check out our Right Choice Construction Company portfolio, spanning our retail, office, industrial, and ground-up projects.

You can find us on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn — and we invite you to follow along! Our phone number is 832 567 9648, and you can email us at

Until next time, I wish you a safe month of preparedness for whatever this season holds. Thanks for stopping by!