CEO Danielle Wright of Right Choice Construction recently hosted a “Building Teamwork with the Texans” skybox event at NRG Stadium with valued clients, staff, and friends.


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When it comes to team building, you can’t beat a gathering at NRG Stadium. Clients, staff, and friends cheered on the home team at the Texans vs. Colts game on Sunday, September 20th. Great food and an even better view from an 8th-floor skybox made this a fun and festive occasion that coincided with National Construction Appreciation Week.


Building Teamwork

You won’t find a more dedicated commercial construction contractor anywhere in Houston!


Building Teamwork

As the Houston Texans navigated the field, we watched true teamwork in action. This was a first-win battle for both teams, and two players left with concussions, Texan Eric Murray in the first quarter and Colt Ryan Kelly in the third quarter. From the quarterback to tight ends to wide receivers — you name it — our hometown heroes fought valiantly. We rooted them on as they lost to the Indianapolis Colts 31-20, never wavering in our support.

Win, lose, or draw, the Right Choice team had a blast celebrating Houston’s very own NFL team! There’s something special about bonding over burgers and delicious side dishes and taking in a magnificent view. I am so honored to have hosted an amazing group of people who believe in the Right Choice mission and help my company grow. It was great watching everyone interact and strengthen our connections. A shared purpose — that’s what building teamwork is all about!

How appropriate that our festivities also kicked off National Construction Safety Week. We value the hard-working men and women on our team and in our industry


Building Teamwork

A room with a view! NRG Stadium is stunning!



Let’s Connect!

I hope you enjoy all of my Development with Danielle© posts here, and check out our Right Choice Construction portfolio here, spanning our retail, office, and industrial projects.

Find us on social media — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn — and follow along! Our phone number is 832 567 9648, and you can email me at I look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for stopping by! Until next time, GO TEXANS!